Year: 2023
Publisher: Fundación Weber
Abstract: In recent years, there have been significant changes in the process of drug evaluation and pricing in Spain, although challenges remain, and it is therefore advisable to analyze the main strengths and weaknesses of the process in order to continue improving and thus face the future with greater guarantees of success.
The aim of this project was to analyze in depth the process of evaluation and financing of drugs in Spain and in other countries in our environment and to learn the views of the main agents of the Spanish health system on how it works, in order to offer ideas for improvement.
On the one hand, an exhaustive review was made of the drug evaluation and financing processes in Spain and 13 other OECD countries in order to detect international best practices. The work thus offers detailed, structured, updated and comparable information, in Spanish, on the different parts of the evaluation process, providing 9 comparative tables between countries.
In addition, a questionnaire was sent to 49 health system agents to find out their opinion on the challenges of the process and possible lines of improvement. The work is completed with a decalogue of general recommendations with which to move forward in the future.
How to cite: Zozaya, N., Villaseca, J., Abdalla, F., Fernández, I., Hidalgo-Vega, A. The assessment and funding processes of drugs in Spain and other OECD countries: Where are we and where are we going?. 2023. Fundación Weber, Madrid, España.