The social value of a PASI 90 or PASI 100 response in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Spain

The social value of a PASI 90 or PASI 100 response in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Spain

Year: 2023

Publisher: Frontiers


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that significantly affects quality of life. Disease severity and treatment efficacy (response) are assessed by the PASI (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index). Traditionally, a PASI 75 response, i.e. an improvement of at least 75% over the baseline PASI score, has been used as the therapeutic benchmark in clinical trials. Therapeutic advances have made PASI 90 or PASI 100 responses possible in most patients treated with some biologics.

A PASI 90 or PASI 100 response would have a lower economic impact and greater societal value than a PASI 75 response for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

A 1-year economic model was applied to estimate the impact of having a PASI 75, PASI 90 or PASI 100 response in four areas of analysis (quality of life, activities of daily living, work productivity and out-of-pocket expenses) and the societal value of having a PASI 90 or PASI 100 response compared to a PASI 75 response. A mixed-method approach based on the scientific literature, a focus group with patients and an advisory committee with key psoriasis stakeholders was used. The model included three different scenarios: having a PASI 90 versus PASI 75 response; a PASI 100 versus PASI 90 response; and a PASI 100 versus PASI 75 response.

The annual economic impact per patient with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who achieved a PASI 75 response was estimated at €6,139, mainly related to lost work productivity and reduced quality of life. Achieving a PASI 90 or PASI 100 response would reduce this impact by €3,956 or €1,353 respectively. The social value of achieving a PASI 90 instead of a PASI 75 was estimated at €2,183 and €4,786 with a PASI 100 response.

Keywords: social return, socioeconomic impact, psoriasis, psoriasis area and severity index (PASI), quality of life, out-of-pocket expenses (OOP), activities of daily living (ADLs)

How to cite: Maravilla-Herrera P, Merino M, Alfonso Zamora S, Balea Filgueiras J, Carrascosa Carrillo JM, Delgado Sánchez O, Dolz Sinisterra F, García-Ruiz A, Herranz Pinto P, Manfredi A, Martínez Olmos J, Morales de los Ríos Luna P, Puig L, Ros S and Hidalgo-Vega Á (2023) The social value of a PASI 90 or PASI 100 response in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Spain. Front. Public Health 11:1000776. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1000776