Health Outcomes Research

Burden of disease studies make it possible to quantify the costs associated with disease, both direct health and non-health costs, as well as those generated indirectly, such as, for example, losses in labor productivity. The measurement of quality of life, through various instruments, makes visible the intangible cost of loss of quality of life suffered by patients and informal caregivers.

The social return on investment is a type of economic evaluation that provides two interesting novelties:

  • The possibility of involving patients in the decision process and analysis of their situation.
  • The evidence that the investment is not a simple expense, but the opportunity to provide a solution to the unmet needs of patients, being able to estimate the profitability of said investment itself.

In addition, we carry out evaluation of health interventions through cost-utility, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit studies. Also, we generate knowledge from the statistical research of databases, both public (for example, Encuesta Nacional de Salud or the Encuesta Europea de Salud de España), as obtained particularly through field work.

We are experts in both quantitative and qualitative research methodology and techniques. We carry out, among others, the design of questionnaires (paper and electronic format), sample design, execution and monitoring of field work, expert meetings, discussion groups, etc.