Strategic reflection on funding and access to rare disease therapies in Spain
Year: 2022
Publisher: Fundación Weber
Abstract: The main objective of the FINEERR project is to carry out a multidisciplinary strategic reflection on the challenge of financing and access to therapies for rare diseases in Spain.
Specifically, it aims to pool the knowledge of 40 experts to reach a consensus on specific proposals for improvement in the medium term, which will help decision-making on the optimal allocation of resources for RDDs in the National Health System.
This think tank on financing and access to therapies for rare diseases was structured around a CORE Advisory Group and four thematic, multidisciplinary Working Groups (WG), where experiences and opinions were shared on different relevant aspects of financing and access to these therapies, with the aim of obtaining reflections and recommendations for improvement.
How to cite: Zozaya, N., Villaseca, J., Abdalla, F., Hidalgo-Vega, A., Strategic Reflection On Funding And Access To Rare Disease Therapies In Spain. 2022. Madrid, España: Weber.