A multi-criteria decision analysis on the value of nintedanib for interstitial lung diseases

A multi-criteria decision analysis on the value of nintedanib for interstitial lung diseases

Year: 2022

Publisher: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care

Abstract: The objective was to assess the value of nintedanib for non-IPF chronic progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease (CFPD) and systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SS-PID) in the Spanish setting, using a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).

Following an adaptation of the Evidence and Value: Impact on Decision Making (EVIDEM) program, the estimated value of nintedanib was obtained using an additive linear model combining the individual weights (100-point distribution) of the criteria with the individual score of nintedanib in each criterion for each indication, assigned by a multidisciplinary committee consisting of 12 clinicians, patients, pharmacists and decision-makers.

The expert committee recognized nintedanib as an intervention with a positive value contribution compared to placebo for the treatment of non-IPF progressive pulmonary fibrosis (0.50 ± 0.16, on a scale of -1 to 1) and IPD-ES (0.40 ± 0.12), diseases that were considered very severe and with significant unmet need. The drug was perceived as providing added therapeutic benefit to patients (0.06-0.07), given its demonstrated clinical efficacy (0.05-0.06), slight improvements in patient-reported outcomes (0.01-0.02) and a safety profile similar to placebo (-0.04-0.00).

Under this methodology, nintedanib has been shown to provide value in non-IPF progressive pulmonary fibrosis and IPD-ES versus placebo in Spain.

Keywords: Interstitial lung diseases, Systemic sclerosis, Pulmonary fibrosis, Multi-criteria decision analysis.

How to cite: Zozaya, N., Arrizubieta Basterrechea, M., Bollo, E., Castellví, I., Espín, J., Ortego, N., . . . Verde, L. (2022). A multi-criteria decision analysis on the value of nintedanib for interstitial lung diseases. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 38(1), E64. doi:10.1017/S0266462322000459